Kamis, 06 Juli 2017

Noodles with cabbage and mushrooms recipe

ca 1 kg of cabbage 
15-20 dag of button mushrooms 
one big onion or two smaller 
300-500g of square noodles 
optionally several slices of bacon, speck, sausage or ham 
spices (salt, pepper, magi, herbs)


1. Cut the cabbage into pieces and cook in salted water (you can add broth cube)

2. Cut onion into small pieces and fry (on speck or bacon). If you have some meet then fry it for some time with the onions and then add the button mushrooms and stew for a while.

3. If you want, you can cut the cooked cabbage into smaller pieces.

4. Cook the noodles in salted water for a shorter time then it says on the package

5. Fry everything with drained cabbage. You can add the noodles now and fry with everything to be ready for eating, or after frying mix it with the rest of ingredients and bake in a heat-proof dish.

6. Add salt, pepper, hot paprika, herbs, magi.

Of course you can prepare noodles only with sauerkraut and dried mushrooms or with mixed cabbage.

Bon appetite!

